Cool Penshoppe Gift Suggestions 

Penshoppe is a local Philippine brand that sells clothing mainly. They also sell fragrances at an affordable price. I love this brand way back in high school and even up to now. 

If I remember correctly,  I think they were one of those companies who have ads  showing on TV during the 1995 World Youth Day. World Youth Day was held here in Manila.

I visited Mercury Drug Store this evening and I saw these adorable Penshoppe gift boxes that they have.  These are the perfect for those who love scents. 

Each box comes with a freebie like a keychain or tag. For more information about their merchandise, please visit the Penshoppe Official Website, their Zalora page  and the Penshoppe Facebook page. 






Just a little trivia.  Many international stars were featured in Penshoppe ads. In the 90s till early 2000 alone, there’s the Irish band Boyzone. The theme for their ad was Speak as One. They have other Penshoppe ads  that played their song When the Going Gets Tough.

(Source: YouTube page fleppy85)


(Source: YouTube Penshoppe page)


Mandy Moore is another international endorser that Penshoppe featured too.


I hope that you enjoyed reading this. Wishing everyone a great day!

Budgetarian Life

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